What should I know before coming to Court?
Dress appropriately
Wearing proper clothing shows respect for the Court. Do not wear clothing such as muscle shirts, tank tops, halter tops, shirts with swear words, depictions of marijuana leaves, violence, sexual acts, promotions of drug or alcohol use, shorts, cut-off jeans, mini skirts, pants with holes, and hats, except those worn for religious purposes. Please appear clean and neat.
Be on time. Plan to arrive at the courthouse at least 15 minutes before your hearing. This will allow you to find parking, go through security, and check in at the reception desk on the second floor. If you are late, your case may be dismissed, and/or the other side may be allowed to present their case without you. If you are running late, call the Court at (440) 350-2708.
Be respectful in the Courtroom
Address the Judge or Magistrate as “Your Honor.” Act courteously toward the Judge, Magistrate, other parties, and attorneys. Do not interrupt. Wait for your turn to speak. Do not yell or carry on. If you are representing yourself, you are expected to be prepared and to present your case as if you are an attorney licensed by the Supreme Court of Ohio. If you are represented by an attorney, your attorney speaks for you. Enter and exit the courtroom quickly and quietly. If you have any questions, please wait for the court to recess to talk to the bailiff or secretary to the Magistrate.
Food and beverages are not permitted in any courtroom. Water bottles are also not permitted
Children in the Courthouse
Do not bring your children to court, unless requested by the Judge or Magistrate. Make other arrangements for child care. If no alternative is available for child care, bring another adult to watch your children while you are in court.
Cell Phones
Pursuant to Local Rule 2.05, use of cell phones is not allowed in the courtroom or hearing rooms. Cell phones must be turned OFF. Off means off, not vibrate. Failure to comply may result in a fine of not more than $500. Use of cell phones in other areas of the courthouse is permitted, however users should exercise discretion in their use in a public environment.
Pursuant to Local Rule 2.05, any video or audio recording by any person in the courtroom is forbidden. See the Recordings and Transcripts page for instructions on how to obtain a recording of your hearing.